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We’re a couple of teachers who never really outgrew our love of cool rocks. In our eyes, just like those of our younger counterparts, nearly every rock has the potential for coolness. Starting a website about fossils and rocks was a natural for us!
We are Doug and Claudia Mann.
You may contact us at:
30735 Lilac Hills Lane
Valley Center, CA 92082
719 239-4285
For years we had been teaching our students about the earth: how it was formed, what it was made of, what makes a beautiful crystal, how the land has changed over time. We had taken our students to gem and mineral shows and fossil dealers to see the many amazing gifts the earth has given us. We wanted to share our experiences with other teachers so they and their students could have as much fun with rocks as we were having. That’s how, our first web site, was born.
Then, about a year ago, after stumbling through some rocky web hosting experiences, we came upon a simple little gem called SBI: Site Build It. SBI seemed to have a mission that mirrored our own: to share a genuine love with others so they could have as much success and fun as we were having. Only their topic of interest was website construction, …successful website construction.
They offered all the tools and instructions, in fun, easy-to-read formats that made it all seem pretty simple. Their manuals took us step-by-step through a process that in turn informed us of the A,B,C’s of website building. We learned all the jargon as we worked with it. Following their instructions, we built our second site:
We heeded the lessons and worked hard to share, share, share—with not much expected in return. And our visitor count grew from 50 or 60 a day in our third and fourth month, to averaging over 500 a day as we hit our one-year anniversary. About 13 months into it, we hit 712. We’ve watched our Alexa ratings grow steadily and the big search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN are picking up our pages on a regular basis. We think it is all thanks to SBI: their simple methods and unfailing support.
For those of you who are interested in a home based business and working on something you are passionate about watch this video from another SBI webmaster then follow one of the links below to learn more
We’ve met tons and tons of folks over the last year who have started
websites and sometimes paid lots of money (like we did) to set up
websites that have next to no traffic. They don’t seem to know or
understand what it takes to get noticed on the information highway.
We’re convinced it’s because they haven’t yet found Solo Build It. (If you’re
among this group, check out Solo Build It on one of these pages:
We’ve just added our third site: We’re following the instructions again…no need to change what already works real well…but this time it’s easier. We plan to start site number four within a few weeks.
We hope you’ll find something you’re looking for among our pages, whether it be fossils, rocks, minerals, or website building. There are lots of links to follow and fun things to do. Let us know what you think…we’re always glad to hear from you!
Claudia and Doug
Check out some of the Educational Materials for sale on our sister site - Our online fossil and mineral rock shop. - An educational site about rocks, minerals, and geology.
Geologic Time
Geologic Time LineCenozoic Era
Mesozoic Era
Paleozoic Era