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The Parts of a Crinoid Lesson Plan

The Parts of a Crinoid Lesson Plan introduces the student to the vocabulary associated with the parts of a crinoid. With the fossil “parts of…” lessons, students are looking at drawings of familiar fossil animals. Always begin the lesson with a real example. The challenge with fossil examples is that all the parts are not always visible, so do your best to get as complete a specimen as possible—using only complete fossils with younger students who can’t yet conceptualize parts that might be missing.

Crinoid Lesson Plan Goals:

  1. To learn the external parts of the animal or plant.
  2. To understand how the animal or plant used its parts.
  3. To increase vocabulary.
  4. To develop a background of information that will be used in classification.
  5. For younger students, introduces new vocabulary as sight words along with a reading and writing component to support memorization.

Crinoid Lesson Plan Materials

  • Crinoid fossil
  • Picture of a complete crinoid
  • Parts of a Crinoid materialsPictures with parts emphasized in red, Definitions with LabelsDefinition without labelsSeparate labels for matching to the definitionsExternal Parts of a Crinoid control (answers) booklet,

Crinoid Lesson Plan Presentation

  1. Introduce the crinoid with a real fossil, pointing out the parts is a classroom discussion. If a fossil is not available to you a large picture or drawing will work, but nothing makes an impression like the real thing. As you point out the parts of the crinoid talk about what each part does to help the animal survive. (See for information on the body functions of the crinoid.)
  2. (A separate lesson with younger students; a continuation with older students, especially if they are familiar with this type of material.) Lay out the pictures in a horizontal line. Lay out the definitions with labels in a vertical line on the left side of your presentation space. As you do this, students may spontaneously read the labels out loud. Point out the red part. Say the name. Find the card with the matching definition and label. Read the definition; then lay it under the picture. Continue with this left to right. Use the control booklet to check the answers.

Follow up activities for the Crinoid Lesson Plan

  1. Use the definitions without labels in a similar manner for a greater level of challenge for the students.
  2. Make a crinoid wall chart.
  3. Make a crinoid booklet

Download the PDF file here for a free printable version of The parts of a crinoid

Download the PDF file here for a free printable version of The Crinoid pictures for making materials

For information on making the materials for the Crinoid Lesson Plan click here

For more information on the parts of a crinoid click here

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