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I dont know what is it

by elias
(bolzano )

Can someone identify this?

Can someone identify this?

i found it 12 years ago in a canyon in north italy, no one could explain what it is

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by: Douglas

Thanks for the input Bill. May you can help identify some of the other mystery fossils listed here. Feel free to share photos of some of you collection with us.

by: Bill Shepard

Im only 11 but I know a lot about fossil look me up on facebook sometime but that what you have there is a Dickinsonia one of the baffling fossils ever discovered. It was a round, flat animal that had clear front and back ends but know head,mouth or gut. Studies show that it lived fixed to the seafloor,perhaps taking food through its base. Many fossils of this animal have been discovered. Some are as big as 3ft (1m) long. I'll be the future palentologist.

Can someone identify this?
by: Douglas


I cannot explain what it is either. It appears to be the weathered parts of something with many layers. I don't know of any animals that are like that. In my experience the only thing that matches the picture is some kind of concretion.

I am only guessing because I have no idea of what this is.

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